
I feel like it's almost impossible to have genuine connection with someone where there isn't mutual vulnerability. Definitely any connection I've made that was impacting had vulnerability at the core. Thanks for your great comments, Sylvan.

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Thank you for being a beacon of truth by honestly sharing your struggles with long term health issues( the wolf at the door). My heart feels this.

It’s almost seems impossible in our Western culture to hold space for human vulnerabilities. At the same time I discovered those very same vulnerabilities connect me with grace, humility and especially love, definitely not found in the ever ascending capitalist myth of progress.

I’m finding over my lifetime that I connect more profoundly with my true self and others through my human vulnerabilities than my fleeting successes. (My 20s as compared to my now 70s)

May you live in muscular clarity and abounding in unceasing great love all the way down to your cellular level.


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Oh, friend. Thinking of you as you navigate these painful symptoms and new diagnoses. I pray that whatever support you most need as you walk with the wolf at your door, emerges. I'm so glad to hear you're writing about it. I hope that sharing your journey with us has some therapeutic benefits for you and I know that whatever you write will contribute to the healing journey of others. We need more truth-telling about the reality of living with illness. I know you’ll do that beautifully. Always appreciate how you give words to things in ways that are honest and courageous and enriching. Love you.

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Thank you, Kai! You too are writing bravely and beautifully about bodily struggles and limitations, and I appreciate you. The healing benefits of having others tell their stories of chronic illness is what inspired me to do the same. I do hope it's helpful.

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