Dance is like that for me.😊

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Ooo. I love that!

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Prayer comes in many disguises.

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Oh this put words on so much of what I have been feeling as the new year begins. As someone who lives in spiritual accompaniment, it is important to remember that ways of praying change, unfold. Thank you, Tricia.

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I'm pleased the piece met you where you are, Nancy. Thank you so much for the comment!

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So. So. Beautiful!

I still experience words an important part of prayer, but more as anchors to what is most important—which is the state of being, energy, and emotion below the words. For me, the words are a distillation of that deeper reality, and so are a portal by which I can re-enter and return to that place/awareness/posture/orientation again and again. I suppose the prayer is a state of attention and the words are a door to it.

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Thank you for sharing this, friend Kai! I do think that we go through phases, and I've definitely been through phases where words were more central to prayer. I also feel there are times when the pot is more stirred on a regular basis than others (to borrow the metaphor I use in this piece). In my experience, the pot is more stirred at times of crisis and loss. I wish that were not so.

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